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Return deposit                             download your PDF

When you order from us, you will pay the amount of parts and a refundable deposit. After receipt of the order, you have 30 days to return your old parts to us and obtain a refund of the deposit.

How to refund the deposit?

You are responsible for returning old parts. You must return the old parts to us and we will refund the deposit within 5 working days of receipt.

Pack the old parts completely in the original packaging box so that the parts are not damaged during transport and that no residual liquid leaks from the parts - in case of insufficient packaging, Dieselinjection will not be held responsible for damage to parts.

In order to avoid any issues with warranty requirements that the operator may impose, we also recommend that you take a photo before sending.

If the parts are damaged, the full deposit will not be refunded. For more information, see the link " Amount deducted from the deposit for damaged parts " on the Dieselinjection.fr website.

Dieselinjection assumes no responsibility for damage caused by the carrier.

How will you be reimbursed?

Within 5 days of receiving your old parts, we will create a document to refund the deposit.

We will send you the deposit refund certificate to the email address provided when you placed your order.

On the credit card or PayPal account designated after the order, you will get a refund within 5 working days.